Payday is the day which is very keenly awaited by many salaried persons. This is the day when the pocket is full and gives the family some space to enjoy their life in an otherwise tough and cruel economic situation. This is also the day when many customers who have taken payday loans repay their loans. This enables them to be eligible for a fresh instalment of payday loans should they be willing to go in for it. Payday loans as many of us might be knowing are very easy to get cash advances mainly aimed at plugging to temporary financial gap that may arise in a family. Hence, payday loans should be treated only as such and should not be used as a regular source of loan funding. This is because the interest rates of these loans are very steep and the customer over a period of time may find it very difficult to service these loans. Advice for Those Who Are Starting Businesses Starting your own company can be incredibly exciting, but it can go terribly if you don’t know what you a...