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Air Cards For Laptops

An air card is a device you can use to connect to the internet with. Air cards for laptops can be purchased as a PCMCIA or USB device and are usually used in conjunction with a SIM card. It is then possible to connect to a WISP (wireless internet service provider) in order to surf the internet. Mobile devices popularized 3G technology, and since then it has migrated onto the computer scene in order to provide a means of wireless internet that is available almost anywhere.

Air cards are commonly referred to as 3G cards. They are developed by Sierra Mobile and will allow us to establish a connection to the internet from any location within the coverage zone of your WISP. In most companies your cellular network will provide a WISP service. Some networks offer a free air card when you take out a contract with them. Certain WISP's do not make use of the 3G signal range, but rather use their own signal distribution network. You will need different hardware when connecting to these WISPS. They will provide you with all the details you need when signing up.

3G stands for third generation. Before 3G, wireless internet speeds were substantially slower, more or less equivalent to a dial up modem. Today it is possible to connect at fast speeds because of high speed downlink packet access made possible by 3G. Sending and receiving large files is now possible. You can now stream video, download large email attachments and much more that was never possible in the past. The one disadvantage, however, is the latency. Latency refers to the transfer time of a packet between 2 destinations. This means that it may not be possible (yet) to play online games without experiencing interference.

Earlier I mentioned that it is possible to buy and air card in the form of a PCMCIA or USB device. If your laptop has the functionality, you will also find air cards that are compatible with express cards. USB air cards are extremely universal. Not only will they work with laptops, but also desktop computers and Macintosh computers. If you have a desktop computer PCI cards are also available. Some PCI cards will allow you to connect to a 3G network as well as a Wi-Fi hotspot.

The most popular device in terms of laptops are PCMCIA devices. Many people prefer them because they don't add much extra width to the exterior of your laptop shell. You may also find that PCMCIA cards will be the cheapest route to travel. You will find an abundance of these cards online for very good prices. Before investing in a card you should double check with your WISP if the specific model is compatible with their network. You should also make sure that the device is compatible with your notebook.

Some interesting uses of air cards:

* Browse the internet from any location
* Manage a computer at home over the internet with remote desktop
* Stay in touch with friends and family when travelling. Most networks will allow you to connect to the internet even from other countries


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